My Background

Yudit Silveira Headshot

Yudit Silveira

 I was born in Cuba.  I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree at Manuel  Piti Fajardo College in La Havana, Cuba for Physical Education.  I was part of the Cuban National Taek Won Do Team.

I moved to Jamaica and lived there for seven years.  There I worked for Air Jamaica and started learning how to speak and write English.

I moved to Florida in 2010.  In 2013 I began my career with New York Life and NYLIFE Securities LLC.    With New York Life, I have achieved Career Life Success Award (2013),* Career Life Producer Award (2013),* Life Commitment Award (2014), and Executive Council (2015).*  I am an AARP authorized representative with New York Life.

I am a member of NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors).

I am fluent in English and Spanish and I also can converse in Jamaican Patois.

I have an adorable five year old son.

*New York Life sales achievement award.

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